All posts by brightinfo2007


Humans are designed to want, need, and ask for more, and since they are, they also some with a built in design to get what they ask for. Otherwise, life would not have a purpose. However, most of us are not aware of this fact. So, we fail to recognize opportunities that pass us by every single moment of our lives. All we have to do is listen to ourselves and our awesome powerful mind will show you how to do those things. Here are the steps:

1.Know what you desire: It is the first thing you should be aware of. Listen to your desires and there must be purpose in your desire. No matter how impossible it looks at the beginning, dream big.Your feelings should be attached with whatever you desire.

2 Have a Clarity of Vision: Write down all the things you desire. This steps is necessary because, if you do not write things down, your mind might change on the way to achieving the results, and that is a dangerous thing. If you are confident about the clarity of your desires and think that you will not change your mind, you may skip this step.
3 Read aloud everyday at least twice (When you wake up and when you retire).When you read, make sure to visualize. Create clear mental pictures of what life would be like when you have achieved the things you want. Let your mind marinate into your dreams. Feel the joy and happiness of already having the things that you desire.
4 Show Gratitude. Be thankful of all the things you already have right now, and all the things that you will have once you have achieved them. This stage is the most important step of all. Once you have started feeling grateful for the things you already have, your mind will recognize the potential of those things and find a way to use them as tools to create your future. Gratitude creates the bridge between your current reality and your future reality.
5 Take the first step. At this point, your mind will start kicking out ideas on how to get to your future desires. When that happens, act on faith. Believe in yourself. Do not hesitate. Obstacles might show up on the way, but you must believe that you have the ability to go through or around those obstacles when they show up. Do not waste your time thinking about future obstacles now. This is the stage where most people fail. They have magnificent ideas, but they fail to act on those.
6.Anchor the things into your life. Whatever the thing is you want in your life, you will look at yourself and tie that thing to your personality, your likes . Set goals. Act on them now, not tomorrow. The stronger you associate to other positive energies in your life, the more important the new thing becomes in your life.
7 Getting what you want is not just about stuff, its about new behaviours, breaking old behaviours, changing your lifestyle.. You must vividly attach it to other things that make yourself want to .. not just wish too.
8 Celebrate. When you are acting on your desires in this way, you will be rewarded with smaller success too. Do not forget to celebrate on your smaller successes also. Reward yourself and be more grateful that you are well on the way to achieving your goals.

  • Do not for as while lose focus on your goals no matter what people say.

Body building secrets revealed

Today at the gym there was only myself and another fellow, a portly man, “working out”. Sunday is a rather easy gym day for me, I just go in and have fun. I started my workout with deep squats. The other fellow in the gym was sitting at a chest press machine occasionally pushing some light weight, but mostly just sitting.

I am doing set after set of heavy, ass-to-grass squats, adding weight with each set. The fellow is just staring at me the whole time while he sits on his machine. After about 10 sets of heavy squats (singles) I decide to superset sprints and squats. I warm up with a light jog the length of the gym and back. He watches me. I hit a set of squats. He watches me. I do another warmup run. He watches me.

I do my sprints – the length of the gym and back as fast as I can. Then I go for a set of squats. He moves to another machine, sits down, and keeps watching me. I finish 5 sets of sprints and squats and he is still sitting on his machine, watching me, wondering to himself “Why can’t I look like that guy?


1) Get off your ass. Sitting down is for the lazy. Winners stand. If you want to sit down go back to your couch.

2) Excuses are for assholes. I’m naturally skinny-fat with long monkey arms and a thin bone structure. Boo fucking hoo.  If I can build something you can build something.

3) Pick up something heavy. Put it down. Do it again.

4) Don’t quit when it gets hard. That’s when it starts to get good. Keep going.

5) Sweating is good for you. If you ain’t sweatin’ you’re just bullshittin’. Especially if it’s summer. In Winter you can wear clothes that will help you sweat.

6) Have fun with it. You don’t need to do the exact same routine and exact same exercises day after day. You just need to give each exercise your all.

7) If you can’t bench or squat your bodyweight you don’t have any business playing around on machines. After you develop some strength is when you will get benefit from machines, not before.

8) It’s all in the mind. That’s where the battle is won or lost.

9) Never listen to the bullshit about “overtraining”. Tell Jim Bob, who grew up on a farm baling hay every morning and has shoulders as wide as his wingspan and forearms like bowling pins, about overtraining and he’ll laugh in your face. “Overtraining” is an excuse to be lazy and out of shape.

10) Have a nice day.

The Top most Secrets and ideas to Gaining Muscle

You will read countless muscle magazines, books,  internet articles, and online message boards searching for the secret to gaining impressive muscle size. They will say things like:

  • “protein powder 6 times a day”,
  • “load up on creatine for 6 days”,
  • “take this amazing N.O. pre-workout supplement”,
  • “be sure and eat within 45 minutes of your workout”,
  • “never workout longer than 45 minutes”,
  • “eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight”.

The supplement advertisements will come with pictures of muscled-up monsters so you know what they say is the truth. Other articles purporting to give you the secret to gaining muscles will say “The secret is that their is no secret – it takes hard work, determination, and sacrifice“. Or “The secret is taking this combination of supplements every three hours“. What they will never tell you is the truth. The truth is that their is a secret to gaining muscle mass, an open secret, and every single person in the fitness industry, bodybuilding industry, modeling industry, film industry, advertising industry, sports industry knows it and they will never, ever tell you what it is.

Well, friends, I know the secret and I will share with you what it is. In the back of your mind you already know what the secret is, you just don’t want to believe it. The secret to gaining impressive, dense, eye-popping muscles is this:








Yes, friends, every single bodybuilder, fitness model, muscled up movie star, athlete, weightlifter are all on a cocktail of these drugs. Every. Single. One. Having a muscled-up physique that turns heads and drops tongues has very little to do with genetics, diet and exercise and it has absolutely nothing to do with over-the-counter supplements like whey protein, creatine, and other garbage sold to you by people who know the real secret. Building rock solid muscles has everything to do with muscle enhancing drugs. These people will never tell you the secret to their success for 3 reasons:

1) They will stop making money. They make an easy buck selling you worthless pipe dreams in the form of supplements like whey protein. Many of these athletes are sponsored by supplement companies (which allows them to buy their drug cocktails) and they will lose their sponsorship if they ever uttered the truth and they cannot openly make money by selling you steroids.  They would also be blackballed from their industry for revealing the secrets of their success.

2) If others know the secret then they have a lot more competition. When they mislead the gullible people they can be worshiped for “having great genetics and a strong work ethic” and not have to worry about competition. If steroids were sold in supplement shops just like whey protein OVERNIGHT 8 out of 10 guys you see would look like a professional athlete, fitness model, or bodybuilder. The United States would turn into Invasion of the Meat-Heads!

3) In the public eye they will forever be known as cheaters. They will be known as people who “took the shortcut to the top, they didn’t work for what they got“. The real story is that they aren’t cheaters, they cannot possibly be cheaters because all of them use drugs. They cannot be cheaters because 99.9% of their peers do the exact same thing. It isn’t cheating when it is the norm. In fact, any type of muscle industries cannot exist without the help of drugs for one simple reason: natural physiques look like absolute shit in comparison to drug physiques.

There you have it, friends. Now you know how the pros get their insane physiques. If they didn’t take drugs they would look like you or I, the average Joe’s, who train hard and eat hard and don’t take drugs. It is possible to attain a good physique naturally, but not a great physique, and you had better train like a maniac in your first two years because it becomes much harder after that to make any gains. The plight of the natural is that he can have size and be a little fat or he can be lean and a little skinny. You cannot be ripped and have size as a natural. That is the law of nature. The human body can only handle so much muscle without drug assistance.

We all, naively, want to believe that people work hard and reap the benefits of their hard work and sacrifice. We want to believe that drugs are the shortcut and only cheaters take them. We want to believe that anything is possible with just a little dedication. The unfortunate reality is that some things actually are impossible. The human body just isn’t capable of handling extra muscle mass above what was intended for us without help from drugs. Every bodybuilder you have seen, every athlete you have seen (since the 80′s at least), every fitness star you have seen, every muscled action star you have seen has used muscle enhancing drugs to get that way. Muscle enhancing drugs have been around for a very long time, since at least the 1930′s. They are not new on the scene. They have been utilized for their muscle building effects for decades. Bodybuilding, in particular and in all it’s shapes, sizes and eras, does not exist without drugs. From the first (John Grimek) to the last (whatever Mass Monster is popular when you read this), all use(d) muscle enhancing drugs. In fact they go beyond use into abuse. They take insane amounts because insane amounts are required to achieve that kind of size.

Someone will inevitably say “well what about Eugene Sandow? He was around before steroids were invented! If he can do it I can do it“. Let me point out three things:

1) Eugene Sandow was the absolute best of the best in regards to “natural” muscle building. He had everything perfect for his illusion: the right height, the right bone structure, the right metabolism, and the right strength.

2) Eugene Sandow had no size to speak of. He was incredibly lean. Which proves that naturals can have size or leanness, but not both.

3) Eugene Sandow took a fat burning drug called Cocaine, which was perfectly legal at the time.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but I must shed light to the poor souls who spend money on muscle mags and protein powders and pre-workout supplements. You can skip all that bullshit and use food and intense training and build a good physique. You can take it a step further and build a panty-dropping physique if you take drugs. Just remember, in some countries Muscle Enhancing Drugs are illegal without a prescription and could land you in trouble. I’m certainly not advising you take them, I am simply bringing the truth to you.

Full disclosure: I am a lifetime natural. I live amongst a population where no one uses steroids. The physiques at my local gyms are laughably poor. Because of this my physique is #1, cream of the crop, apex. Quite unlike the United States where every gym has a very high number of steroid users and, therefore, eye-popping physiques that put my natural physique to shame.

Stay tuned for more because, baby, we aren’t done with this subject.

13 reasons to start an internet business right now…

We have all been there. Sitting in traffic, waiting to get to the job we hate, sitting in the office waiting for 5 o’clock, counting down the minutes to the weekend, which is never long enough. All the while dreaming we could have our own business, maybe our own internet based business, so we could leave this rat race behind and get to livin’.

The good news is you can leave the rat race, you can start your own business, and you can become free and happy. Today, with the internet, it is extremely easy to start your own business. I have done it and thousands of others have done it. It is only as hard or as easy as you want it to be.

But why should you start an internet based business?

Here are 13 reasons to start an internet business…

1) By running an internet business you will have more free time to do the things that matter in life

Being stuck in traffic everyday, taking orders from the boss, waiting on your paycheck (with taxes conventiently removed for you), asking permission to take your holiday is no way to go through life.

Running an internet based business will give you the time to do the things that matter and let you not do the things that don’t matter. Spend more time with family, spend less time with family, spend more time travelling, spend more time doing anything you please.

Without a 9-5 noose around your neck you’re free to come and go and do as you please. I just spent a week at a tiny, little known beach in Cambodia called Otres Beach, riding jet ski’s and getting tan. That would have been completely and utterly impossible if I had a boss and an office to report to.

2) With an internet based business you can control your income

When you have a job you make a set amount of money, no matter how hard you work or how well you do your job. The opposite is true when you run an internet based business. Your income is directly tied to how hard and how well you do your job. The sky is the limit when it comes to making internet money. The choice is yours when it comes time to decide how much you want, or need, to earn. Make the decision to earn more and you can, as long as you do the work.

3) With an internet based business you can work from anywhere

Again, no more getting up at the crack of dawn just to go sit in traffic and wait and wait. When you run an internet based business you can work from home, the local coffee shop, the library, or abroad. Anywhere you have an internet connection is where you can work from.

Say hello so sunny skies and goodbye to drab and lifeless grey offices.

4) You can feed your entrepreneurial spirit without breaking the bank

Not everyone was meant to live life as a corporate cog in the machine. Many of us are entrepreneurial minded but are just too afraid to take the leap and go for it. With an internet based business you have tiny start-up costs and low to no overhead. It isn’t as risky as starting a local brick and mortar shop where you have to pay rent, pay for product, and pay your employee’s salaries. To start an internet business is almost free. You simply need a domain and a website, that will run you about $20 to start.

5) People spend money on the internet, your business can get a piece of that

Internet spending is predicted to account for 40% of all retail sales by 2020 and 84% of the world’s internet users now shop online. That is a huge amount of money online just waiting for you. I spend a great deal of my own money online, I don’t like leaving to go shopping if I don’t have to. Most people are the same, they want to buy from the comfort of their own home.

6) Your internet business is open 24/7

Rather than be open for a limited time, like most brick and mortar shops, your online business is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year. That means you can make money while you sleep. Imagine waking up to see page after page of sales your website made while you were counting Sheep.

7) There are no geographical limitations when you run an internet business

You can be based in Nowhere, Iowa and sell your products to India, Japan, Canada, and Mexico. The only limitations online are the limitations we place. With such a huge client base, the whole world, you can access a much wider base of clients and customers. Bold and Determined has readership and clientele from USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Singapore, South Africa, India, Nigeria and many other places I didn’t even know had internet.

8) With an internet based business you have more job security

There is no such thing as job security unless you create it. Your employers want money, rightfully so, and they don’t particularly care how loyal you are and they will do what is necessary for profit not what is necessary to keep their cogs happy. You cannot rely on anyone or any company to employ you forever. You can only ever rely on yourself and one thing is for certain: The internet isn’t going anywhere. I hear a bunch of silly conspiracy theorists worrying about the day the internet gets “shut off”. Friends, there is no on/off switch for the internet. It’s here, it’s here to stay and every damn person you know is addicted to it. I’m addicted to it as much as anyone. The obvious solution here is to make money from your addiction, you will be online anyway so you may as well be making dollars while you do it.

9) When you run an internet business you can better control your companies image and reputation

With bad press and a bad image a company can go under in no time. When you run an internet business, and are internet savvy, you can much better control your company image and reputation. Provide a good product or service and your reputation will be stellar. Be a killer, sure, but be an honest killer.

10) With an internet based business your customers have access to more information and product

With an internet business the sky is the limit in regards to the information and products you can carry. All this means better information and access for your customers. You can have as many or as few products as you want, you can have as many or as few websites as you want.

11) It’s easy to automate your internet business

There are almost an endless amount of products available to help automate your business and make you money while you sleep, eat or travel. Four websites, each making $500 per month automatically is a real nice piece of side money. Double that money and it’s a real income. Triple it and you’re doing quite well.

12) Anyone can start an internet business, from teenager to senior citizen

The beauty of running an internet based business is that anyone with a computer and internet connection can do it. From teenager to senior citizen, white or black, disabled or able-bodied, the internet has no bias. All are welcome and all can make money if they are willing to put in the effort and take action and, most importantly, do it consistently.

13) Running an internet business is more fulfilling than working for someone else

Running your own business is infinitely more fulfilling than being a corporate cog and taking orders from others.

As you can see, starting an internet based business makes sense.

Friends, we have all wanted to leave the rat race and get a bigger piece of the pie while not wasting our lives away behind a cubicle. The one way that everyone in the world can make their own money and make their own schedule is by starting an internet based business. Remember, there is no better time than RIGHT NOW. The first step is simply to take action


Subj: Why businesses fail (and how not to make the same mistake)

They say 90% of small businesses fail in the first year.

What they don’t take into account is that most “businesses” aren’t business, they are delusions of business.

How many times have you heard someone talk about a “ceramics” business, a “fashion” business, some MLM scheme or some internet get rich quick business?

These types of delusions aren’t businesses, never could be businesses, and they are typically abandoned when the “business owner” comes to reality.

A perfect example….

There is a very clever television show called Arrested Development. The show is about a dysfunctional family and in that family only one man is responsible and the rest are deadbeats.

In one episode, the man who is responsible tries to talk his sister out of starting “bead business” because all of her other businesses have failed.

The man’s brother overhears this conversation and wants to prove that he can start a better business than his sister, but he has misheard her and thinks she is starting a “bee business”, nevermind the fact that bees aren’t business.

The sister forgets about her “bead business” after a day, realizing it was a dumb idea. But the brother hangs on to his bee business idea and carries around a jar of bees for the rest of the episode.

At one point the man’s father asks him how he’s going to make money and he dumbly replies “I don’t know…honey…or maybe just as gifts“. His mom replies “who’d want a bee as a gift?“. Nobody, of course.

The “bee business” is over the top satire, but a perfect example of the type of dumb nonsense people start and call it a business.

SO! to make sure the Gentleman Wolves in the B&Do’sphere don’t start dumb “bee businesses” hoping to get rich, here are 3 helpful tips to remember when starting a business….

1) A business ain’t no business unless it sells something

A business is a two part transaction. People have to buy what you are selling. You have to have something people want. They give you something you want ($$$) in return for the item they want.

A perfect example of a fake business is the notorious internet business. Most internet businesses aren’t businesses, they “want to be” businesses but they aren’t there yet. Most of them haven’t figured out the missing piece.

A blog isn’t a business unless it sells something or makes money via advertising or affiliate marketing. Until it makes money, it’s just a blog. If it doesn’t make money it isn’t a business, it’s a hobby.

You have to sell something to be a business and what you sell has to be something people want or need.

If all you have is a pocket full of bees then your “business” is a stinker and it’s time to throw it in the trash.

2) It takes time to build something valuable

Somebody recently emailed me asking if working 10-15 hours per week online is sufficient to make 3 grand per month within 6 months. Don’t make me laugh.

It takes ALL OF YOUR TIME to start something that makes money. It can be maintained on 10-15 hour per week (maybe!), but giving yourself 10-15 hours per week will build you one thing: one of those 90% businesses that fail in the first year.

You’ve heard these guys talking about “How I made $XX,000 in 12 minutes and you can do it too!” but did you ever notice they are selling you something?

Those guys are in the business of “biz-op”, that means they are selling you business opportunities. Their job is to sell to you, the easier they make it sound the more money goes into their bank account.

You’ll make more money by being one of those guys (the market is huge) than you will by following their products but you can bet those guys work a whole lot more than 10-15 hours per week.

3) Don’t put the cart before the horse (content vs SEO & social media)

SEO (search engine optimization) is the act of manipulating google’s algorithms to get a website to the top of the search results for any given keyword. But, woops, google isn’t stupid and they know what’s going on. Every so often google releases an “update” that wipes out worthless websites that got to the top of the rankings not by being the best, but by using SEO voodoo.

The problem with these websites is not that they use SEO, it’s that they don’t provide good content. When the google updates hit these guys scramble to find new ways to get back into the top spot in a never-ending battle. One thing they never seem think about doing is making good websites in the first place. But you’ll hear these guys going on and on about SEO and the word spreads…

People email me all the time, before they even have a website or a product, to ask me about their SEO and social media strategy. All the SEO and all the social media in the world means jackshit if you don’t already have a product or an audience. Bold and Determined has an audience, so when I say you can check us out on Facebook and Twitter people will go there and want to follow. If you don’t have an audience nobody cares about your social networking sites.

You don’t build an audience with SEO or social media, you build an audience by having a good product. You keep in contact with your already formed audience with social media and maybe you reach more people with some SEO manipulation but you don’t! build a business with SEO or social media. You’ve got to build from the ground up. SEO cannot be the foundation of a successful web business (unless you’re selling SEO services to people who don’t know better, cha-ching).

Years and years ago I met a guy who I didn’t think much of. He was part of the group I was with so I humored him and got his story. Here was his story: Fat, mid 30′s, unemployed, living in his mom’s attic. But things were really looking up for him because he was able to get his harmonica website into the top 5 search results on google for some random harmonica keyword.

He left the realm of sanity and reality to tell me he was going to make a killing because his brand new harmonica website, which sold nothing and provided no value and was just some point and click template website, was in the top 5 on google. I laughed in his face. I didn’t know anything about internet business at the time but I knew his “business” was a stinker. And it was, it’s long gone now.

All the SEO baloney websites go bye bye when their time is up. Friendster, myspace, linkedin, facebook and twitter will all go the way of the dodo-bird. If you’ve based your “business” around them you might want to re-assess ’cause that colony is going to collapse.

You really want to make money online?

Here’s the simple really, real truth…

You CAN make money online. You do it by providing something of value or solving a problem. You put in the time and the effort and fill a need or solve a problem and you directly control your own product.

You CAN’T do it by half-assing it and it won’t happen overnight. You don’t do it by doing some SEO voodoo, by doing some “internet hustle” and you don’t do it by setting up a facebook page.

Some people do manage to make money doing this type of internet hustle trickery, but a) they’ll try 30 different things before one of them makes money and b) the money runs out after a week or a month and they have to start all over.

For these guys it’s a never-ending journey to find the next hustle where they can make a fast buck. By the time they finally make a buck the bee business collapses. Round n’ round they go.

Big mystery why these businesses fail.

But now you know the truth. When these guys try to sell you on SEO and social media strategy just laugh in their faces and then build something real. Soon they’ll be asking you dumb questions like “How do you do it? I don’t understand? You don’t use any SEO and you don’t use social media?? I just don’t get it?“.

Real big mystery.

Until next time.

Your man,



The 21 Rules of the Rich (and how you can emulate them)


I recently ran across this article entitled 21 Ways Rich People Think Differently Than Average People based on a book calledHow Rich People Think. I was immediately struck by the similarities between the writing on Bold and Determined and the thoughts of the rich elite. The 21 rules of the rich are in bold and my thoughts are underneath.

1) Average people think MONEY is the root of all evil. Rich people believe POVERTY is the root of all evil.

Average fellas are SCARED of money. You read that correctly. FEAR of money. You’ll hear average fellas say things like “I would never try and make money from this. I would never do this just for money” etc. Like money is AIDS and they would never try and get it. Everyone needs money because money is freedom. This fear of money is a one-way ticket to average town. Everyone needs money, there is no damn reason to make excuses or justify it or be afraid of it. I want money. This is how I make my money. Deal with it. Don’t be ashamed of your need or want for money. Get out there and take it and leave the excuses for average Joe.

2) Average people think selfishness is a vice. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue.

Everyone is selfish, but there are two types of selfishness: overt selfishness and covert selfishness. You want to be OVERTLY selfish. Covert selfishness is for chicken shits. When you come right out and say “I want it my way and I’ll have it my way” you will get what you want. When you play the covertly selfish guy, also known as nice guy syndrome, you are only going to get shit on. Nice guys aren’t nice guys, they’re chicken shits. They want the same thing overtly selfish guys want, money and women, but they’re too scared to come right out and demand it so they play nice and hope they’ll be able to manipulate that outcome. But it won’t happen, it’ll never happen. You want it? Take it. You want to eat shit? Play the nice guy game.

3) Average people have a lottery mentality. Rich people have an action mentality.

I hear these losers all the time, “if I could just win the lottery. If I could just get a chance. If my big break would come in” and blah blah blah. I don’t expect anything to be given to me. If I want it you can be damn sure I’ll go and get it. Play your stupid lottery, sit on your stupid couch in front of your stupid tv, and make your stupid excuses. Someone else is out there kicking ass and taking what is rightfully his.

4) Average people think the road to riches is paved with formal education. Rich people believe in acquiring specific knowledge.

Universities are leftist indoctrination facilities. And they are full of deluded morons. You must educate yourself. Any damn thing you want to learn about you can learn about. You don’t need to spend time in women’s studies to learn it. Every damn thing is on the internet, for free. If you want to learn about it the only thing stopping you is you. I will say it again and again: Everything you learn in college is useless if you want to be an entrepreneur and it’s up to YOU to learn your craft.

5) Average people long for the good old days. Rich people dream of the future.

Some people call it planning for the future, I like to call it visualization. Visualize the future and how you will be. Actually see yourself as you wish to be. The things we think tend to become reality (assuming you aren’t a delusional narcissist).

Things used to be so great, but nowadays….” Forget that nonsense and mold your future the way you want it.

6) Average people see money through the eyes of emotion. Rich people think about money logically.

Money is like an extra emotion to poor people. They always have “money problems” and they’re always whining about it. For some damn reason they can’t ever have enough to pay rent and the car payment and the damn electric bill. I have been poor many times but I’ve never been so poor I couldn’t pay my bills and I’ve never been so poor I cried about it. Forget about money as emotion, it’s just a damn game making money. Think about it like you think about your next 15 chess moves. Don’t be like these idiots living paycheck to paycheck and never having enough. Here’s a simple solution: If you’re poor…..DOWNSIZE!

…and then get to work, plan ahead, and quit spending your money on nonsense.

7) Average people earn money doing things they don’t love. Rich people follow their passion.

I don’t like the word passion, that’s a word for women’s romance novels, the correct word is obsession. Rich people follow their obsessions to the edge of the earth and beyond. Average people can’t understand this because their obsession stops at their favorite sports team or tv show or smoking pot or some other nonsense. 4 Hour Work Week is a cool little motivational book but you can’t take the title literally. If you’re going to find success in your field you are going to spend every waking minute thinking about it, you will have to be obsessed. Forget relaxing, forget taking a break, just give in to the obsession. 

8) Average people set low expectations so they’re never disappointed. Rich people are up for the challenge.

Hey man, don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal. You expect too much. Let’s just watch the game!

I have no time for this type of person. How any man could live his life so pathetically free of any and all challenge is beyond me. You get the same types in the gym. Type A is afraid to exert any real energy and Type B will go all the way. Type B will have the physique to show for it.

9) Average people believe you have to DO something to get rich. Rich people believe you have to BE something to get rich.

What do I have to do to get rich?

Be the type of motherfucker that gets rich“.

Be a damn killer and go get it.

10) Average people believe you need money to make money. Rich people use other people’s money.

I’ll tell you boys, I made my first money using NONE of my own money. Not a penny. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. If you want it bad enough, as in you are obsessed with it, you will get it. Even if you only have $12 to your name, makes no difference. 

I can’t make money because I don’t have any money“. Sounds pretty stupid doesn’t it?

I have to make money because I don’t have any money” sounds much better.

11) Average people believe the markets are driven by logic and strategy. Rich people know they’re driven by emotion and greed.

I have no time for these people who constantly talk about logic and strategy. “I like logic. I deal with things logically.” Logic is only one part of the picture. If you look at everything logically you aren’t looking at the big picture and I’ll tell you why. Most people in the world do not think logically, they think emotionally. When you speak to them logically you are not getting through to them.

Most people in the world are dummies and they don’t think logically, they can’tthink logically. But these “I’m so logical” types always assume that everyone else also thinks “logically”. If you think they think logically you are thinking like a dummy.  Not everyone thinks like you, in fact most people don’t even think. They just react. They’re idiots and shouldn’t be treated like they are masterful logicians, and they shouldn’t even be assumed to understand logic. Logical thinking is only half the the puzzle.

12) Average people live beyond their means. Rich people live below theirs.

Again, these people can’t pay their phone bills at the end of the month. Live like a Spartan. Have money leftover. Hell, I live like a king and I barely spend any money. I’m able to live very well because of a little word called Geo-Arbitrage. Make money in dollars, spend in baht and I want for nothing. My monthly expense are bare minimum. Few bucks in rent for my high rise condo with pool view, few bucks for water and electric, few bucks for internet, few bucks for gym membership, few bucks for my maid, and a few bucks to run my websites. Easy, spartan, simple and clean. If need be, all those expenses can be reduced even further. I spend less money to live on now than I use to spend on just my mortgage.

13) Average people teach their children how to survive. Rich people teach their kids to get rich.

I had average parents who taught me how to be average. They didn’t know anything about making money but they sure were adamant that college and a full time job and saving for retirement was the answer. I wasted years following that stupidity. For most of my life I’ve been a fool, and a lot of you probably have too. But it’s not too late to wake up and start kicking ass instead of licking ass.

14) Average people let money stress them out. Rich people find peace of mind in wealth.

Money is freedom, baby. I can’t say this enough. Money buys you freedom. If you have money you don’t have to take orders. When you have money you have the pleasure of saying my favorite word, “no”. I do anything I want any time I want. I don’t ask permission.

15) Average people would rather be entertained than educated. Rich people would rather be educated than entertained.

Television, magazines, celebrity websites, sports – the mark of the average. If you can’t learn or earn from it, burn it

16) Average people think rich people are snobs. Rich people just want to surround themselves with like-minded people.

Rich people are different. After you’ve made it why would you ever want to go and hang out with losers who are jealous of you? Average people cannot hide their envy and jealousy. I have seen this look in their eyes, up close and personal, it is the most pathetic look I have ever seen and the most hateful look I have ever seen. They made the poor decision to go and waste their life at a job and now you’re demon because you are free and have money. You took the time to educate yourself, you took the time to make your own money, you took the chance, you did all the work and they look at you like you got lucky and they have the gall to get enviously angry at you. It has often been noted that you end up exactly like the people you hang out with, so say goodbye to the losers, be elitist and hang out with the winners.

17) Average people focus on saving. Rich people focus on earning.

How many people have told you of the wonderful benefits of saving for retirement and how you can finally live like a king when you’re 65? None of those people seemed to be living large, though. Weird, huh? Can it be that they have no clue what they’re yammering about? I choose to live like a king right now, I’m too selfish and impatient to wait. To afford my lifestyle I had to quit my damn job and focus on earning. And it was the best decision I ever made.

18) Average people play it safe with money. Rich people know when to take risks.

What I have found is that when I take big risks, the kind of risks that give me nausea, diarrhea and anxiety for days, they tend to payoff for me. For some damn reason I have been able to risk my money many times and have always made it back plus some extra. It has always been when I didn’t take a risk, when I chose to hang on to the money I had, that I burned through it and was left broke. You can never, ever make it without risking something. 

19)  People love to be comfortable. Rich people find comfort in uncertainty.

Average people don’t want to do any damn thing except eat snacks and watch tv. Wasting your days at a 9-5 and wasting your nights in front of the tv on a La-z-boy recliner with a bag of chips is comfortable for some, I guess, but it always made me miserable. Personally, I hate relaxing. It’s such a damn waste of time. 

20) Average people never make the connection between money and health. Rich people know money can save your life.

Well, at least I have my health“.

This saying always makes me laugh a little. What they are really saying is “my life is terrible….but at least I’m alive“. I’d rather be dead than be 65 years old and living on social security and medicare. I’d rather be dead than be old and living on a fixed income and relying on the government to give me my “pills”.

Not only does money give you piece of mind, which can save your damn life from high blood pressure and stress, but it also buys the best medical care and the best drugs.

21) Average people believe they must choose between a great family and being rich. Rich people know you can have it all.

Average people are excuse-makers. “I chose to have a family instead of going into business“. Bullshit, you chose mediocrity because you’re mediocre. Lie to yourself all you want, but I can see through those lies a mile away. If you were driven and not a liar you would let your family motivate you to give them a better life. A family isn’t a burden or an obstacle in making money, it’s an excuse to be lazy and coast at a job. Rich people demand more out of life, and they get it. Demand more, especially from yourself, and your quality of life will go up. Demand more from your personal relationships and you will get more. Demand more from your business partners and you will get more. If they don’t want to play ball then fuck ‘em, find others who want to play. It’s a big world out there and there is plenty for your taking. Be a man and take it.

The end.


Making Money Online


I’m going to tell you how to make money online. I’m not going to tell you how to have an entrepreneurial journey, or grow as a person and spiritual being – I’m going to tell you how to free yourself from the shackles of trading your time for money.

When you have an internet money making system in place you make money whether you work or not. You go to sleep and wake up to see how much money you made the day before.

How much money can you make online?

You can make a lot or a little. It depends on how hard you work, how much you learn about your industry, how much you are willing to try and experiment, and maybe just a little luck. Some people make a few bucks a month, others make 40k per month or more.

If you can make $10 you can make $100. If you can make $100 you can make $1,000. If you can make $1,000 you can make anything you put your mind to.

The open secret to making money online

There are lots of little secrets and tips and tricks and hacks to making money online, but the only way to make money on the internet is by selling something. You’ve got to sell, sell and sell some more.

You can have the greatest product in the world but if you don’t sell it then you don’t make money. You can have the worst product in the world and sell, sell, sell and make a whole bunch of money.

Here’s how you do it:

1) Create your own product and sell it – You can create an ebook, a piece of software, or sell another product that you have created, commissioned or purchased. You can create this product yourself or you can outsource the work to a freelancer.

2) Sell someone elses product – Selling a product that someone else created for a % of the profit is called affiliate marketing.

3) Sell advertisement(s) on your website – You can sell advertising on your website directly to a company(s) or you can use google adsense to sell advertising.

4) Sell a service (consulting) – Most bloggers who make money off their website also sell their consulting services. They consult about SEO technicques and tactics, or they can act as life coaches.

The REAL secret to making money online

The real secret to making money online, the real moneymaker, is selling “How to make money on the internet” programs. That is where the real money is. This is the secret of countless bloggers, location independent entrepreneurs, Tim Ferris wannabe’s, Affiliate Marketers and clickbankers who will have you believe otherwise.

Countless bloggers have followed this approach. They faked it ’til they made it by selling “How to make money online” programs. If you can make people believe you will show them the way to make money online they will give their money to you to get your information.

Money vs. Art

You can create art or you can make money, and never the tween shall meet. If you want to make money online you can forget about creating art and focus on salesmanship. Sales is the name of the game.

[pullquote]ABC – Always. Be. Closing.[/pullquote]

BOLD & DETERMINED is art, not business. I really, truly hate writing technical “How to” articles so I will keep this as brief as possible.  I’m going to give you the facts and the resources and from then on it’s up to you to make something happen.

There are two types of people this guide is for

1) People who want to leave their 9-5 jive forever and need a way to do it.

2) People who want to supplement their 9-5 and make some extra cash money.

Why should you make money online?

So you can be FREE. Freedom and time are the most important things in the world. Being shackled to an office chair is a soul-stealing, heart-crushing affair that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy (ok, maybe I would) but I wouldn’t wish it on my friends. Be smart and leave the 9-5 jive forever.

I saw this Panda in Hong Kong. He was just facing the wall in this concrete room instead of hanging out in the fake grass. We could only see him through the TV monitor. I saw this look a million times when I used to work in an office. Why should you start making money online? Freedom. You don’t want to end up like Prison panda. You can be free IF you work to get there.


There are two kinds of money to be made online

Passive money and Active money.

Passive money is when you make money selling a product. Passive money comes to you without you doing any additional work. You set up the product, automate your page, and sell your product which is charged and delivered automatically.

Active money is when you make money selling your service(s). Active money requires you do additional work (i.e. consulting).

Ways to make passive money online

Affiliate Marketing – Affiliate marketing is when a person advertises a product for another person in return for a % of the profit.  Anytime you read a blog that talks about a product they love so very much and they conveniently provide a link for you to check out the product you are looking at affiliate marketing in action. To become an affiliate marketer you will post a review of a product on your website, get your customers to purchase the product and you will get a piece of the profits. This can add up to some very good income. You can make up to 75% of the purchase price of the product doing this. Let other people create the product and you send traffic to buy that product and collect your money.

The most ethical way to become an Affiliate Marketer is to actually use and enjoy the products that you promote.

Advertising with Google adsense – Google adsense is the most popular, and easiest method, to put paid advertising on your website. Will it make you a bunch of money? Maybe yes or maybe no. It takes experimentation to find what works best.

Selling Private Advertising – When you have a decent amount of traffic to your website or blog you will get requests to place advertising on your website. You can also create a “Advertise?” link on your website to allow advertisers to contact you about placing their advertising on your website.

Selling a product – The biggest moneymaker is creating your own high quality product and selling it to your audience. You can even create an affiliate deal for your product – allow others to generate traffic for you and give them a percentage of the sale. This can all be automated by using companies like

Ways to make active money online

Sell your service –

  • Are you an expert in a certain area?
  • Are you good at SEO work?
  • Are you good at programming?
  • Can you be a life coach?
  • Are you a good graphic designer?
  • Are you good at using photoshop?
  • Can you teach someone a 2nd language?
  • Can you be a personal fitness trainer?
  • Can you write quality articles for other people?
  • Can you fake any of that?

People will pay you for your service if you have a quality website that makes them feel like you are a qualified expert.

I have news for you, most bloggers who blog about “How to make money online” don’t know anything and are trying to make money themselves. Most bloggers start a blog to make money and become famous. They fake the hell out of their knowledge.

The 6 steps to making money online by blogging

1) Start a quality website or blog

2) Provide something valuable

3) Get traffic

4) Capture the emails of your audience

5) Sell your audience something worthwhile

6) Repeat

Bonus #7) Be free

The biggest money spending audience on the internet

Do you want to know who the biggest money spending audience on the internet is?

It is you and people just like you.

People who are looking for a way to leave their soul-stealing job and live life on their own terms. People who are tried of feeling like Prison Panda.

That’s why “How to make money online” programs and websites are popular and profitable.

One of the easiest ways to make money on the internet right now, this very second, is to create and / or sell a “How to Make Money Online” website or ebook because that’s what people just like you want to know. The secret is that you make money online by selling other people how to make money online.

What kind of website should I start?

First rule: Do not think in term of website, think in terms of websites. To make money online you must have many sites producing income for you.

Blogs: Blogs are the easiest websites to start and monetize. On a blog you can use adsense ads, you can sell private ads, you can post affiliate links, you can create and sell your own e-book or other product, you can review products for a fee, and you can sell your consulting services. There are many, many ways to make money from a blog.

Blogs are the easiest way to start in the online world. If you cannot think of a topic to blog about you can download 30 Days of Discipline and blog about your progress. That’s a perfect way to get started and used to blogging.

Running a blog with wordpress is very, very easy.

Niche Sites: A niche site is a small site dedicated to a small market. For example: a website about how to kill ants. Pepper in some articles, pepper in some advertisements, pay attention to the SEO and the competition and watch a steady trickle of money come into your pocket. Niche sites are the bread and butter of internet marketers making a living from their websites. 10, 20, or 30 niche sites bringing in $100-$200 a month can bring you some real money. Niche sites can certainly make more than that per month – but they do take work.

You can build niche sites the same way you build your blog, using wordpress.

Single Landing Page for a product you have created: A landing page is a simple one or two page site that shows you a product, it’s benefit and then it’s price. A good example of this is Eat Stop Eat – Intermittent Fasting for Fat Loss. A very simple but highly effective sales page for a quality product. FYI – That’s an affiliate link. If you click on that link and purchase Eat Stop Eat then I make a commission off of that. Can you now see some of the ways you can make money?

E-Commerce Sites: A lot harder to start for a complete newbie but can certainly be very profitable.

How do you create a “How to make money online” website?

Be patient, friend. That’s coming soon.

What is…?

Domain Registration – A domain is the name of the website. For example: The domain name of this website is A domain can be .com, .net, .org, .us, .info etc.. Domain registration is the act of purchasing a domain name. Domain names are quite cheap if they are not already taken by another person or company. A .com domain name will run in the neighborhood of $10 for a year.

When you purchase a domain name it is a good idea to also purchase aprivate registration. If you don’t purchase a private registration anyone on the internet can see who owns your site and they can possibly get more information about you. It’s a good idea to protect yourself as much as you possibly can.

There are free websites available but they do not look professional and I highly advise against them. Free websites and blogs can be built at or but they will always have blogger, blogspot, or wordpress in the title. For example, if I had started BOLD & DETERMINED on a free platform the domain name would be and I would never, ever be able to change that until I purchased a real domain name. If your goal is to make a professional money making website you must purchase your own domain name(s).

Hosting – Hosting is where your webpage, files, and documents are stored. Your website must be hosted somewhere or it cannot be viewed by anyone. It sounds complicated to a very beginner but it isn’t. Once you set up your hosting provider you can forget all about it.

SEO – SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. When someone searches in google for a particular word or phrase and you want them to come to your site you must optimize and manipulate your wording so that you have a higher place in the google lineup.

WordPress – Wordpress is the easiest, best and, frankly, only way to run a website. Best of all it is completely free. Every money making blog and small website uses WordPress as their platform. WordPress takes less than 5 minutes to install and is extremely easy to learn and use.

There are two types of wordpress. and is a site that will let you create a free blog and provide free hosting but your domain name will always end with I do not recommend you use is what the big boys use.

WordPress Themes – A WordPress theme is the look of the website. With WordPress themes you can change the look of your website in a matter of minutes. You can design your own theme, you can use a free theme, or you can purchase a professional looking Premium WordPress theme. Since your goal is making money and not making art then a Premium Theme is the only way to go. Your site has to look good if you’re going to make some money.

WordPress Plugins – WordPress plugins are additional tools to add to your WordPress website to optimize performace. WordPress plugins are extremely easy to download, activate and use. Some examples of wordpress plugins: When you see a “Facebook Like” button or a “ReTweet” button on a website or blog you are seeing WordPress plugins in use. There are many, many behind the scenes plugins that the casual viewer will not even notice or be aware of but they help make your website run smooth.

E-mail list / Subscriber list / Opt-in list – This is your list of website viewers who have given you their e-mail address to be kept posted of A) any new posts to your website and B) receive any e-mail communications from you. For example: You can send out a weekly or monthly newsletter, send out any special or urgent news, or send out special offers for your products or your affiliate products.

Setting up an email list is a MUST DO from the very beginning of your website.

Monetize – To monetize your website is to turn it from a non-income producing website to an income producing website. To bring in money.

How do I start my first website(s)?

Follow the links in the resources below.


Remember, this guide is a primer to making money online. This is how you start. You must continually read and learn to make money, but you’ve got to start somewhere. Start here:

Setting up your website

Domain Names

  • GoDaddy – The first thing you need to do when starting a website or blog is to purchase a domain name. Go here to pick up your domain name(s). It is a good idea to have several domain names for different ideas and sites. It’s a good to add private registration for security reasons.
Hosting Services
  • Hostgator – Your website has to be hosted somewhere otherwise you do not have a website, you just have a domain name. BOLD & DETERMINED uses Hostgator and I have never had a problem with their hosting services. You can host unlimited sites with hostgator for about $8 per month. Hostgator will provide instructions about how to host your domain name.
  • Bluehost – I have never used Bluehost but I hear nothing but good things about them. Bluehost will provide instructions about how to host your domain name.
WordPress Themes
  • Woo Themes – You will need a theme for your wordpress site. Your site has to look good, it has to look professional if you want to make some cold hard cash. Woo themes has a great selection.
  • The Thesis Theme for WordPress – High quality, professional theme.

Installing WordPress, WordPress Themes, and WordPress Plugins

Installing WordPress

  • WordPress – You do not need to download wordpress. Hostgator and Bluehost both make installing wordpress extremely simple and painless. To learn how to install WordPress on a Hostgator hosted site go here. To learn how to install WordPress on a Bluehost hosted site go here.

Installing WordPress Themes

  • To learn how to easily and painlessly install a WordPress theme go here.
Installing WordPress Plugins
  • WordPress Plugins – WP Plugins are the easiest thing in the world to install. To learn how to install WP Plugins the easy, hassle-free way go here.

Market Research

  • Google Keyword Tool – The best FREE tool available for doing market research on your chosen keyword and demographic.
  • Google Analytics – Google’s free website tracking and analytical tool. View all sorts of info about your visitors (i.e. how long they stay on your site, your most popular articles and pages, how visitors came to your site).

Outsourcing Work

  • E-lance – Elance is where you go to get a freelancer to do some work for you (i.e. Site design, site coding, ghostwriting).
  • BPOVIA – BPOVIA is a company located in China that provides Virtual Assistants at an affordable rate. You can use Virtual Assistant(s) to do all the BS work you don’t want to do. You’ll be surprised how much they can do for you – from website management to personal management. VA’s can do many of the things that a freelancer could do at a fraction of the price. I used BPOVIA before and they did all my tasks assigned to them acceptably.

Money Makers

  • Google Adsense – Google Adsense are ads you put on your site. Anytime someone clicks on the ads you make some money. It’s only small change but it adds up as your traffic grows. It can turn into some real income for you if you build a good website.
  • Clickbank – Clickbank is where you go to find an affiliate product(s) to advertise on your website. Signing up for a clickbank account and promoting clickbank products is very easy.
  • Amazon Affiliates – If you send someone to amazon to purchase a product you can make a percentage of whatever was sold. Signing up for Amazon Affiliates is extremely easy.
  • Commission Junction – Commission Junction is another affiliate website where you can get links to companies to promote their products and services for a percentage of the sales.
  • Paypal – Paypal is one way for you to accept payment for your website, goods and services. It’s very easy to set up. FYI – You can donate some of your hard earned money to me for producing this helpful and free guide for you. Paypal accepts all major credit cards, to make a donation you do not even need a Paypal account. But you will likely need to open a Paypal account to receive payments.
  • E-junkie – E-Junkie is how you sell a product you created. You simply create your product and they will take care of the rest. You can add their shopping cart to your website and boom, everything is automated for you after that. You can also choose affiliate products from E-Junkie to promote.

Email Subscriber & Newsletter List Creation

  • Aweber – Aweber is the best of the best for capturing emails and sending out mass emails and newsletters. I used it for about two years. I only stopped when I no longer needed to send out mass e-mails.
  • Mailchimp – Mailchimp is a way to capture email addresses and send out mass e-mails for your newsletter. Mailchimp is free for the first 12,000 subscriber and 2,000 e-mails per month. I have been using MailChimp for 2+ years and love it. Subscribe to the free BOLD & DETERMINED newsletter.
  • Feedburner – You can use feedburner to offer RSS subscription service, e-mail subscription service, and newsletter service. Feedburner is free. Feedburner gives you some great details about how many people are reading your posts, opening your e-mails etc.. For BOLD & DETERMINED I use feedburner for my RSS Feed and every time I post a new article it is e-mailed to people who subscribed to the e-mail updates.Subscribe to BOLD & DETERMINED by Email / Subscribe to the RSS Feed.

Bookkeeping & Accounting

  • Intuit Quickbooks – You’ve got to run your website like a business, and that means taking your bookkeeping seriously.

Business Creation

  • Legalzoom – Create an LLC or other business structure right from your computer.

Must Read Books

  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill – This book is the best business book ever written, hands down. It’s all about mindset. Repeat: It’s all in the mind. Change your thought process, change your life.
  • The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferris – This book literally changed my life. For better or worse I can never go back to how I used to live. I’d be wealthier if I never read this book but I certainly wouldn’t be happier. This book goes into quite a bit of detail about how to run a successful online business. Don’t let the title fool you, to become successful you will work a whole lot more than 4 hours per week.
  • Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder by Arnold Schwarzenegger – I just plain love this book. One of the most motivational books of all time by one of the most motivational people of all time, Arnold Schwarzenegger. This book has absolutely nothing to do with making money online but it has everything to do with winning.


Quit bullshitting. If you want to make money you’ve got to work for it. Wake up at 5am and put in 3-4 hours of work every morning. Work on your lunch break. Work in the evenings before you go to bed. Think about your business 24/7. Live and breathe your business.


Never be scared to ask for money. Your goal is to make money, there is no reason to hide that.

Time is your most precious commodity, don’t waste it.


You’ve seen Fight Club right? Think of it like this: If you’re not on your way to making money online in 6 months you will be dead.

If your mission is to make money online then there is no better time than right now.

“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”

“We are shaped and fashioned by what we love.”

“Whenever the emotions and the will are in conflict, the emotions win.”

– Emotionally induced illness accounts for 65-80% of modern sickness.

Cicero, Roman statesman, orator, and philosopher, 106-43 B.C.

From De Finibus bk. I, chp. 13, Sec. 4

“Inability to tell good from evil is the greatest worry of man’s life.”


“ignoratione rerum bonarum et malarum, maxime hominum vita vexetur.”

Napoleon BonaparteEmperor of the French (1804-1814). A brilliant military strategist, 1769-1821 

“The nature of Christ’s existence is mysterious, I admit; but this mystery meets the wants of man. Reject it and the world is an inexplicable riddle – believe it; and the history of our race is satisfactorily explained.”

“I know men and I tell you, Jesus Christ is not a man.”

“His religion is a revelation from an intelligence which certainly is not that of a man.”

“Between him and whoever else in the world, there is no possible term of comparison. He is truly a being by himself. His ideas and his sentiments, the truth which he announces, his manner of convincing, are not explained by human organization. The nearer I approach, the more carefully I examine, everything is above me – everything remains grand, of a grandeur which overpowers.”

“I see in Lycurgus, Numa, and Mohammed only legislators. Nothing announces them divine. On the contrary, there are numerous resemblances between them and myself – foibles and error which ally them to me and to humanity. But it is not so with Christ – everything in Him astonishes me. His spirit overawes me, and His will confounds me.”

“Here I see nothing human.”

“He is not a philosopher.”

Shocking truth : What the Bible Says About Money

Most people know Sean Hyman from his regular appearances on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg Television, but what they don’t know is that Sean is a former pastor, and that his secret to investing is woven within the Bible.

Perhaps that can explain why, despite his uncanny ability to predict precise moves in the stock market, Sean is often laughed at for his unique stance on investing.

For example . . . a few months ago Sean appeared on Bloomberg Television. At that time, Best Buy (BBY) was dropping to all-time lows of $16 a share. Sean predicted the stock could go down to $11 a share, and would then quickly rebound to $25 per share, and after that would rally to $40 per share over the next year.

Another commentator on the show actually mocked Sean for his stance, saying “$40 on Best Buy? If that’s the case Apple (AAPL) is going to $1,500. That’s the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!” (Editor’s Note: At the time, Apple was trading at $650 per share).

Within a few weeks, Sean would receive the last laugh.

Best Buy dropped down to $11.20 a share and has since rebounded up to $42 a share — a 360% gain — exactly as Sean predicted. (Ironically, Apple has dropped down to about $400 per share).

During a recent private dinner with Sean, once he’d blessed the food, I wasted no time asking him what his secret is for investing so successfully.

I expected Sean to say that it was his years of experience at Charles Schwab or perhaps one of the complicated algorithms he uses for timing the stock market.

So when Sean responded that his secret to investing was the Bible, I was thoroughly shocked.

Yes, I knew Sean was a Christian (anyone who spends more than 1 minute with him will pick that up!). However, people usually keep their faith separate from things like . . . investing.

But not Sean.

For Sean, the Bible is his FOUNDATION for investing.

He explained to me how there is actually a “Biblical Money Code” woven into Scripture.

Sean says it is this Biblical Money Code that took him from making a mere $15,000 a year to now giving away up to $50,000 a year. Sean also credits this code with helping him turn his father’s $40,000 retirement account into $396,000.

Certain investment titans, Sean says, such as Warren Buffett and John Templeton, have already used this code to amass billions.

What Sean had to say impressed me so much that I asked him to put a presentation together that reveals how anyone could use this “Biblical Money Code.” (Click here to watch it now)

I’ve personally watched this presentation several times and it is already spreading virally.

During the video, Sean uses the teachings of King Solomon, Jesus of Nazareth, and the Apostle Paul to show how anyone can get out of debt . . . make sound investments . . . and morally build substantial wealth.

Sean even reveals a “debilitating ‘financial sin’ that blinds many . . . and could be costing you up to 41% of your life savings at this very moment.” What’s so deceiving about this sin is how innocent and safe it appears at first.

And at the end, he finishes up with his “12-12-12 plan for investing.” This is a simple step-by-step plan to go from being a saver, to an investor, to a philanthropist.



Small business owners can easily get too involved in the day-to-day operations of their retail stores to spend any time brainstorming marketing ideas or promotional events. Some retailers worry that marketing is too expensive, others may find it too time consuming. Without announcing who you are and what you sell, how will anyone know? Here are 50 marketing ideas for retailers.

1. Create a calendar for customers with your shop’s name and address on it.

2. Print the products you sell or services offered on the back of your business cards.

3. Always carry business cards with you. Give them freely and ask permission to leave them in places your target market may visit.

4. Join a trade association or organization related to your industry.

5. Have a drawing for a product or a gift certificate. Use the entry forms to collect customers’ mailing addresses.

6. Develop a brochure of services your shop offers.

7. Conduct monthly clinics about a product or service you offer or schedule semi-annual seminars on related “how-to” information for your industry.

8. Print a tagline for your business on letterhead, fax cover sheets, e-mails and invoices.

9. Develop a website to showcase your products, services and location. Use a memorable URL and include it on all marketing materials.

10. Include customer testimonials in your printed literature.

11. Promote yourself as an expert by writing articles or tips on topics related to your industry.

12. Submit to the local newspaper, trade journal or other publications.

13. Host an after-hours gathering for your employees and their friends/relatives.

14. Provide free t-shirts with your logo to your staff to wear.

15. Send newsworthy press releases as often as needed.

16. Create an annual award and publicize it.

17. Develop your own TV show on your specialty and present it to your local cable station or public broadcasting station.

18. Create a press kit and keep its contents current.

19. Use an answering machine or voice mail system to catch after-hours phone calls. Include basic information in your outgoing messages such as business hours, location, website, etc.

20. Join a Chamber of Commerce where you can network with area business owners.

21. Hold an open house. Invite prominent city officials and the press.

22. Get a memorable local or toll-free phone number.

23. Place ads in publications your market reads. Be sure to reach the non-English speaking market as well.

24. Distribute specialty products such as pens, mouse pads, or mugs with your store’s logo.

25. Advertise in creative locations such as park benches, buses, and popular Web sites.

Continue reading for the remaining marketing ideas…

26. Improve your building signage.

27. Get a booth at a trade show or expo attended by your target market.

28. Give a speech or volunteer for a career day at a high school.

29. Sponsor an Adopt-a-Highway area in your community to keep roads litter-free.

30. Donate your product or service to a charity event or auction.

31. Have a Yellow Pages ad listed under your main industry and in related categories.

32. Volunteer your time to a charity or non-profit organization.

33. Create a loyalty program to reward existing customers.

34. Create an opt-in email or print newsletter for your customers. Fill each edition with specials, tips and other timely information.

35. Send hand-written thank you notes to important customers every chance you get.

36. Use brightly colored envelopes and unique stationary when sending direct mail pieces.

37. Show product demos or related videos on a television on the sales floors during store hours.

38. Book a celebrity guest for an event at your store. Use people in your industry or television news anchors or local authors.

39. Create window displays in locations away from your shop. Airports, hospitals, and large office buildings occasionally have display areas they rent to local businesses.

40. Team up with a non-competing business in your area to offer a package promotion.

41. Pick the slowest day of the week to hold a one-day sale.

42. Create a warm, welcoming waiting area for your customers.

43. Provide extra customer service training for your staff.

44. Sign up for a newsletter or join online discussion groups in your industry.

45. If possible, loan your facilities to other groups for a meeting place.

46. Create a unique lapel pin based on the products you sell to wear at meetings.

47. Choose a regular customer to spotlight as a Customer of the Month. Create a brief write up to submit to the local newspaper about the customer and be sure to give he or she a copy of the article as well as have one framed to hang in the store.

48. Pair up slow moving items with related products and repackage as a special buy.

49. Start a blog. Write about your industry or detail in-store happenings.

50. Offer your customers discounts for each referral they provide.